Thursday, 7 April 2016

Week 11

Kia Ora everyone, 

What a busy week we have had in our Kowhanga this week! We can't believe its the last week of term already next week ;) 

We had great fun on Wednesday learning how to 'code' our bee-bots. This gave a great opportunity for some fantastic oral language between children as they discussed how they could make them work. 


Taste Test
Today as part of our 'Fun Filled Fridays' we enjoyed a taste test. We learnt about all our different senses we use and the went to testing out our taste buds. We put on our blind folds and then tasted different foods  and had to tick off on our worksheet whether they tasted sour, bitter, sweet, salty or spicy. A big thank you to our awesome parent who came along and helped out, we hope you had as much fun as us!


Hutt Library
Our Kowhanga is off to the Hutt Library on Wednesday the 13th. We are going together this time and would love it if there are any parents/family members who could come on the walk with us. Please let Miss Tiffen or Mrs Fleming know if you can make it. 

A reading book will be coming home as usual next week as well as our weekly paragraph to practice. We appreciate your help with reading this to help increase our fluency. 

We are carrying on looking at the before and after numbers to 20, addition to 10 for some children as well as addition to 20 and subtraction from 10. We will all be working on our basic facts. 

Chicken Pox
We still have children off with the chicken pox in our kowhanga this week. If your child isn't immunised and hasn't had the Chicken Pox virus before please visit the following website:

Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

Ka kite ano, 
Amy and Claire

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Week 10

Hi all, 

We are heading into week 10 of the school term,  There are still  two weeks of school before the school holidays which begin on Friday 15th April at 3pm.  

This week we will be focusing on the diagraph wh and the letters w,y,u and h. 

Our maths focus is on before and after numbers to 20; addition to 10 and for some, addition to 20 and subtraction from 10.  All students will be working on instant recall of basic facts. 

The Chicken Pox is still very active in our Kowhanga with two more children coming down with it last week.  If your child isn't immunised and hasn't had the Chicken Pox virus before please visit the following website:

Claire and I will be out of the class on Thursday working with a Learning Resource teacher, and there will be two relievers our Kowhanga.  We will be in the class before and after school if there is anything you would like to catch up about.  

Have a great week! 

Claire and Amy

April Fool's Fun

On Friday our buddy class came down to visit. Our teachers took us outside and Mr Webb the caretaker told us his lawnmower was broken and asked if we could help out by using our scissors to get the grass nice and short. So we grabbed some scissors and set about cutting the grass. Turns out our teachers were pulling an April Fool's joke on us ;)