Fancy Feet Parade
Wow, Our Kowhanga completely cleaned up with our super creative and fancy feet on Friday! Many thanks for the effort you put in - always a mission for parents (sorry!) but the children had loads of fun and it was well worth it. Thanks also for supporting the fundraising committee on Ice-cream Day - it certainly topped off Fun Filled Friday.
Hot Cross Buns
Last week Gina and Liz joined us and made Hot Cross Buns with the kids using process cooking. This involves each child measuring and mixing their own hot cross bun. Messy work but excellent results. Big thanks to Gina and Liz for giving up their time.
Walk to the Foodbank
This Monday 21st March we are walking to the Lower Hutt Foodbank to deliver our fabulous collection of cans to families in need. Are you available to walk with us? We would love your company.
Chicken Pox
We have two confirmed cases of Chicken Pox in our Kowhanga! If your child isn't immunised and hasn't had Chicken Pox you may want to check out symptoms on the Ministry Of Education website:
Wheels Day
Next Thursday 24th March the full school will be holding a Wheels Day, and our syndicate will be involved in this during the first part of the day (9-10.30am). Your child can bring any wheels they choose to school: a bike, scooter, skates or a skateboard. If possible please park wheels outside Room 6. Children will need to bring a helmet to school with any wheels. Thanks.
Big thanks for spending time reading our class sentence with your child. We will be using these sentences in class in a variety of ways, with a focus on word families, punctuation and fluency.
Room 4 to the Hutt Library
Room 4 will be walking to the Hutt Library on Tuesday 22nd March. Are there any parents available to join us? We will be leaving at 10.45am and returning at 12.30pm.
Raspberry Smoothies
Sylvia is joining us on Wednesday afternoon and we are going to make raspberry smoothies. Thanks Sylvia!
School will break up for Easter this Thursday at 3pm. We start back on Wednesday 30th March.
Wishing you a restful weekend!
Claire and Amy
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