Monday, 16 May 2016

Week 3

Kia ora families, 

What a fabulous time the children had at the Bring'n'Buy on Friday.  The weather was kind to us and there was plenty of excitement.  It was wonderful to see the children put their knowledge about money into practise with confidence.  Many thanks to those parents who came and helped us in the hall - you made the experience much more relaxed for our children. 

  • Big thanks for the offers of help in the classroom.  We will have a list on the wall in the classroom on Monday for anyone that may have 10 minutes spare.  We would also love the chance for children in our Kowhanga to read aloud to you if you have some time between 2.30pm and 3pm.  This will only take 5-10 minutes, and would involve finding a quiet corner in the classroom and listening to a child read a short reader to you.  Please let us know if this would interest you.  Days/times are very flexible. 

  • We are communicating most of our goings-on through SeeSaw now.  If you are yet to join up or are having trouble accessing SeeSaw please get in touch with us.  While we still update the blog regularly we will send daily information via SeeSaw.

  • On Monday morning we will be learning about Road Safety, with a focus on walking to school, and the NZTA will speak with us in Assembly. 

  • Claire and I will both be out of the class on Wednesday, visiting a school in Wellington.  Andrea and Mrs Musgrave will be teaching in our Kowhanga. We will  at school before 9am if there is anything you would like to catch up about. 

  • Our Junior Syndicate Cross Country is this Friday.  Please ensure your children are wearing appropriate clothing, running shoes, and that they have a drink bottle. Please feel free to join us.  Cross Country will  begin just after 9.30am. 

  • Our art and craft session on Friday will focus on the story 'The Gruffalo'.  Gina is joining us and we plan to make some creative, edible delights, feel free to join us! 

  • This Friday we will be presenting a short video clip in Assembly about learning in our Kowhanga. 

  • Our writing will focus on the story 'The Gruffalo' and we will be looking at at 'who', 'doing what' (verbs) . Our Funky Foxes will also focus on describing words (adjectives) in their writing. 

  • Art/topic:  we will be completing our koru art and perfecting our own mihi.  We will also be focusing on our waiata which we will share when we visit the marae. 

Have a great week!  We are keen to talk if there is anything you want to catch up about.  

Amy and Claire 

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