Saturday, 17 September 2016

Week 10

We had a very enjoyable Grandparents Day on Friday and we thoroughly enjoyed having grandparents in the class.  We created photo frames, both for present and absent grandparents, we had some interesting discussions about school life in years past, and we sang songs together.  Our fabulous grandparents shared their attention and time with all the children in the class which we thoroughly appreciated.  What a fun day! 

We are lucky enough to have a number of our tech-savvy grandparents on Seesaw, sharing and commenting on the children's work. Please let us know if you would like your grandparents /family etc to access your child's portfolio - they are most welcome.  

This is our last week of term three and the weather is looking decidedly average.  We have a full school games morning planned for tomorrow, involving playground games from history - knucklebones, hand games, marbles, elastics etc.  I expect that if the weather is anything like today this event may be postponed until later in the week, but it would be appreciated if your child can bring a coat and warm clothing to school, just in case. 

On Wednesday we have a fundraiser - Pizza Day.  Your child will have brought home a notice about this last week.  If you did not receive this please let us know and we will get one to you.  Pizzas are $5, optional, and will be delivered at lunchtime.  There will be no Thai lunches on Wednesday.  

You will have read in the school newsletter that the school will be open on Saturday 22nd October (Labour Weekend) to celebrate 150 years.   School will be closed on Tuesday 25th October. 

At the beginning of term four we will be having another Bring n Buy to raise money for the senior school camp next year.  If you are having a clean out of toys at any stage over the next few weeks we would appreciate any donations! 

Please let us know if you would like to take home some readers to keep the momentum of regular reading.  We can also provide maths and literacy worksheets for those that want them over the holidays.  We will have these available on Thursday and Friday. 

Amy is out of the class on Tuesday (but around school) and Claire is on a course (offsite) on Friday.  

Have a lovely rainy Sunday! 

Claire and Amy 

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