Kia ora Tatou,
It is with sadness that I write our last email for the year. What a fabulous year we have had with your children. We have been so lucky to have such outstanding parent support, and your presence in the classroom has helped to create a warm, secure environment for the children. The many opportunities they have had over this year are due to such willingness and it has been gratefully received. It will be hard to say goodbye on Wednesday but we are very much hoping that both the children (and their parents!) will continue to pop into the class to catch up from time to time.
Classes for next year will have come home with reports. Any queries please don’t hesitate to ask or email.
We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to Gina Bellward, Jacobs mum, who has volunteered countless hours in the Kowhanga to support the children. Through baking, art, literacy experiences and one-one assistance with children we have benefited from her kindness and many talents. Gina, you are truely AMAZING!!
With only two and half days left of the year we are very much in pack up mode. The children will have brought home their end of year reports and most of their school books on Friday, with only a few items still to come home.
Charlottes Web
Our current chapter book that we are reading together is ‘Charlotte’s Web’. Unfortunately we are only half way through, and it doesn’t look like we will get to finish it together this year. The children have really enjoyed the story so far - if you have it at home or are able to borrow from the library I’m sure they would love to finish it with you.
We are very much hoping that the children will continue to read, write and practice their addition, subtraction and skip counting over the holidays, and continue to use the strategies they have been recently been developing. While it isn’t always easy to get early readers from the library there are often parts of picture books that children can read along with you. We are expecting that their Reading Eggs login will continue through until the February (although don’t quote me on that one…). This has many readers that they can access, with comprehension activities.
Hutt Valley High School visit
On Monday morning at 9am our Hutt Valley High School buddies will return to our class to deliver their stories to the children. The students have been writing short stories based on their buddies interests, and drawing their illustrations.
We will then go to swimming, as per usual, at 10.15 (both Monday and Tuesday sessions will be at Huia Pool). Big thanks to Maria, Gina, Gulsoon, Liz, Jamie (and anyone else I have missed!) who have helped out at the pool. Thanks also for ensuring that they come to school with their togs each day.
Class Party and Secret Santa
On Monday at 12pm (when we return from swimming) we will hold our class party. It would be appreciated if each child could bring a small plate of food to share. Please still pack morning tea, and possibly something small for lunch. We will also do our Secret Santa at this time. These can still be delivered to the classroom on Monday morning.
After lunch on Monday we will have our fun time. The weather forecast isn’t looking particularly good with showers and southerlies forecast, but if it clears we will get out for that long -overdue water fun.
Swimmimg continues, and in the afternoon the children will watch a Christmas movie in class.
We have our final assembly at 11.30, due to finish at 12.30. Children can be collected from the class at 12.30pm. School officially closes at 1pm.
Hopefully we will see you all before the end of term but wishing everyone a very happy, relaxing and family-filled Christmas and safe holiday.
Claire and Amy
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